Tablet technology used as mine site safety training tool

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RiskSpotter, a risk awareness training tool, could be available by late 2013.
RiskSpotter, a risk awareness training tool, could be available by late 2013.

A new project from Edith Cowan University's (ECU) Centre for Innovative Practice will improve the risk awareness capabilities of resource industry workers by utilising tablet technology.

RiskSpotter, a risk awareness training tool, will show pictures of actual mine site situations complete with the hazards that such an environment contains and will require users to identify hazards in their workplaces.

The pictures will be real life scenarios that workers from the resources industry can easily relate to.

Chief Investigator Dr Susanne Bahn said the app would be tested on three real mine sites and she was hoping it would be available late 2013.

The app will be tested on three hundred staff across the three mine sites and workers would be tracked to test the apps efficacy and their performance as well as the and and safety statistics of the sites will be analysed to determine any changes.

Dr Bahn said there had been a huge amount of interest for the fledgling project from the resources industry as well as other sectors.

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